Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Everything is Energy

Everything is Energy

Everything is energy.  We are energy.  Life is energy.  And when we run out of energy we’re dead!

Energy requires fuel.  Our fuel is known as food or nutrition. Without proper nutrition we are not able to function properly.

Are you a race fans?  Or do you just drive a car? Race cars run on high octane fuel.  The higher the octane, the better the performance of almost any car.

If you want to perform your best, then you need to eat your best.

Nutrition should be on the top of your budget and the last thing to get cut. 

In this blog, we’ll be covering all the nutritional components, essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients and we’ll be emphasizing cost effective, easy, nutrition and recipes that you can realistically add to your lifestyle and daily routine.  How does that sound – Delicious or Nutritious?

And there will be no profanity on this blog! There will be no dirty four letter words in here.  I am referring to that nasty 4-letter word that starts with DIE…T.  Diet (notice how it starts with the word die?!)

Your goal should be truly about changing your habits and regimens and implementing lasting and permanent changes in your life.

Here’s a tangible takeaway to get you started on the right track.

You wouldn’t pour sand, salt, sugar or other crap into the gas tank of your car would you? And if you did, you wouldn’t expect the car to run well or last very long would you? Of course not!

So stop putting junk into the gas tank of your body and wondering why you’re having health problems or not performing at 100%.

Change your mindset about eating. Eat to live, don’t live to eat.

Everything that goes into your mouth should be high-octane fuel to power the trillions of cells that make up your body and all of its organs.

What kind of fuel do cells like? Here’s a list:

1.      Oxygen (breathe deep and fully – sit up straight or stand tall)

2.      Water (cut the soda, coffee and colored crap out of your diet and consume only water)

3.      Raw fruits and veggies (fresh, local, organic and uncooked are great – the greener the better too)

4.      Nutrient dense, highly bio-available (usable by the body) supplements like Juice Plus, Chews4Health or Nutopia.

5.      Solar powered vitamin D (get out in the sun for 20 minutes a day in the morning or late afternoon – your skin will naturally produce vitamin D when exposed to sun in moderation).

For many more great healthy recommendations, read “Health and Happiness: an owner’s manual for the mind and body”.

And most importantly, don’t forget – EVERYTHING IS ENERGY!

Does Deodorant Cause Cancer?

Does Deodorant Cause Cancer?

For years there has been a notion often heard through the grapevine that deodorant causes cancer, but is it true? Let’s explore the idea logically from a common sense point of view.

First, we were not born wearing deodorant, nor was it created naturally in nature like an apple; therefore, it is not natural. Anything not purely natural could be a suspect in the cause of cancer and other diseases.

Second, the lymphatic system is the body’s septic system and is responsible for removing toxicity and waste from the body. The lymph system is about 94% water and also holds the greatest concentration of white blood cells (the soldiers that defend our body). One of the greatest concentrations of lymph nodes in the body is in the armpit. Approximately 8% of our bodies’ overall detoxification occurs through sweat. 8% doesn’t sound like a lot, but how would you feel about cutting off 8% of your arms or legs – or losing 8% of your brain? Anyway, we block the release of toxic sweat by coating our armpits with deodorant and anti-perspirant. By the way – anyone who would disagree on the argument that we don’t detox very much through sweat – has obviously never done a hot yoga class!

Next, deodorant contains many un-natural chemicals and man-made ingredients. Aluminum is one such ingredient. Aluminum, when absorbed into the body, could potentially be linked to autism, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. Some may argue that these substances aren’t absorbed into the body – others may contest that the small doses of these substances are approved by the FDA (funeral directors’ association) and are okay for our use. Right – so explain to me how the FDA approved birth control “patch” works – as well as nicotine strips applied to the skin and absorbed into the body. As for the small dosage – think about this – most people who wear deodorant do so out of habit – EVERY day of their life – which adds up to a whole lot of quantity.

Think about this – the next closest soft tissue to the armpits is the breasts. Not only are the breasts susceptible, but the lymph system eventually connects to every cell in the body through fluid transfer. What if one day it was discovered that deodorant plus a few other common-place modern practices and products were actually the leading and only causes of cancer?! Don’t expect deodorant/anti-perspirant to be pulled from the shelves any time soon – it’s a billion dollar industry.

What do you THINK? Use your common sense – and your shopping dollars wisely. What we buy determines what companies produce and stores sell. My message to doctors, pharmacies, scientists, awareness and fundraiser groups “For the Cure” – stop looking for a cure and focus on the causes. Often times they are right under our noses (or armpits).

If you want to support your health and a great company who truly cares about you and your health – shop the Wholefood Farmacy online – and invest in some all natural Hi-Roller deodorant. I’ve been protecting my health by using it for over 7 years. I suggest you do too.

So does deodorant REALLY cause cancer? I don’t know, but I do know this – it certainly doesn’t help or contribute to health.

For more healthy info and preventative measures, read "Health and Happiness: an owner's manual for the mind and body."

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Amazing Benefits of Juicing

The Benefits of Juicing

Thanks to shows like Dr. Oz, juicing has really soared in our country and is becoming widely popular in mainstream America.  Most Americans have been charmed by the weight loss affects experienced with juicing; however, after the initial thrill of pounds melting away with little effort, the weight loss becomes secondary to all the other health benefits they experienced.

By far the best way to get your suggested minimum 5 daily servings of fruits and veggies is to drink fresh juice. Let’s get clear on something first,  fresh juice is not purchased in cartons at the store. It is not canned, cooked, flash-pasteurized, colored, sweetened, filtered or preserved. Fresh juice comes directly from fresh fruits and vegetables and is best when consumed immediately (within minutes of juicing) to get the maximum nutritional value as it loses its potency rapidly once removed from its parent source.

Hurom Juicer
Hurom - auger style juicer

Juicing extracts the majority of the nutrients and living enzymes from the fruit or veggie while leaving the pulp out. Basically this translates into an easily digestible drink that is packed full of the good nutrition your body needs.  Drinking your food eases the burden on the digestive system by eliminating all of the solid matter that requires additional digestion and elimination. By drinking fresh juice you go straight to the source and bypass the carrier. 

When you consistently drink fresh raw juice, especially vegetable juice that includes plenty of dark leafy greens, along with eating lots of vegetables and fruit and a very healthy diet, your whole internal environment changes.  Juice, which is rich in antioxidants, cleanses the body of stored wastes and toxins that interfere with the proper functioning of cells and organs.  This means our cells, organs, and systems are able to do the jobs they are designed to do.  Furthermore, vegetables and fruit are very alkaline, which helps to balance a diet that is often quite acidic for most Americans. 

Juicing does requires work – shopping regularly for fresh produce, cleaning, cutting and preparing the produce and then cleaning and maintaining the juice machine.   Juicing is well worth the work involved because the benefits pay high dividends in your health. For example:  Drinking a 16 ounce glass of carrot juice is the equivalent of eating about 6 to 8 large carrots. That’s a lot of chewing that you don’t have to do and a lot of solid waste (pulp) that your body doesn’t have to process.

Some personal benefits I can directly attribute to the effects of juicing over the last 15 years include:
  • My eyesight has naturally improved and I no longer have to wear glasses when I read or work on the computer.
  • My seasonal allergies are almost non-existent now.
  • My genetic hair loss and receding hair line has slowed down significantly.
  • My fingernails grow super strong at an incredible speed.
  • I have never had a tooth cavity in my life.
  • My skin stays healthy and more resistant to sunburn, acne and wrinkles
  • I have a high energy level, but operate on less sleep.
  • My focus, concentration and motivation get better every year.
  • I get sick less often, and when I do, I recover in a day or so when friends stay sick with the same illness for days or weeks.
These benefits began to become evident within the first year or two of implementing juicing and a vegetarian diet. The effects of juicing continue to improve and maintain my health due to the cumulative effects of ingesting vital nutrition on a daily basis.

To discuss other benefits of juicing or to receive a Hurom Juicer shipped to your door at an excellent price, contact Sean Donovan at 804.909.5550 or email

So now you know the Amazing Benefits of Juicing

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Healthy Weigh - "Outback" weight loss tip

G'Day mate - it's Sean Donovan. Join me for an "Outback." No, it's not a steak dinner or an adventure in the land down under - it's my next "Healthy Weigh" weight loss tip.

Watch, learn and start losing weight the healthy weigh.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Healthy Weigh - "Walk n Talk" weight loss tip

I promised I'd share my weight loss secrets that helped me lose over 30 pounds in 110 days - so here you go...

This particular tip happens to be one of my favorites. It's also one of the easiest and most effective healthy ways to lose weight. Virtually anyone can do it - anywhere and anytime.

For more "healthy weighs" to lose weight, contact Sean for coaching and support - or (804)-909-5550.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to test your body’s pH

How to test your body's pH

Day one –Eat your typical daily diet and drink your typical beverage consumption throughout the day

-          6am to 9am - Test your body’s pH first thing in the morning upon waking by placing the yellow end of the test strip into your stream of urine for a few seconds. Compare the color of the tip of the strip with the chart provided with the test strip. Write down the result.

-          Noon – Repeat the urine test and write down the result

-          6pm – Repeat the urine test and write down the result

-          9pm – Midnight – Final test of the day and write down the result

Day two – Drink no alcohol, soda, coffee or tea – drink only water (preferably ph neutral water or Fiji Water) – at least half of your body weight in ounces or ideally one liter per 50 lbs of body weight. Eat your normal and typical diet

Day three – Continue drinking only water and eating your typical diet

-          6am to 9am - Test your body’s pH first thing in the morning upon waking by placing the yellow end of the test strip into your stream of urine for a few seconds. Compare the color of the tip of the strip with the chart provided with the test strip. Write down the result.

-          Noon – Repeat the urine test and write down the result

-          6pm – Repeat the urine test and write down the result

-          9pm – Midnight – Final test of the day and write down the result

Day four – Continue drinking only water, but consume only raw fruits before noon and raw vegetables after noon.

Day five – Drink only water and eat only raw fruit before noon and raw vegetables after noon

-          6am to 9am - Test your body’s pH first thing in the morning upon waking by placing the yellow end of the test strip into your stream of urine for a few seconds. Compare the color of the tip of the strip with the chart provided with the test strip. Write down the result.

-          Noon – Repeat the urine test and write down the result

-          6pm – Repeat the urine test and write down the result

-          9pm – Midnight – Final test of the day and write down the result

Compute the results for each day by adding all 4 numbers together and dividing by four – this will give you your average pH level for that particular day. How does each day compare? You should have gotten progressively more alkaline each day. Ideally your pH should be around 7.4 – a healthy daily range would be between 6.5 and 8.0. The most acidic reading for your body should be first thing in the morning due to the fact that your body has detoxified and removed lactic acids while you slept. The most alkaline reading for your body should occur in the late afternoon and early evening as your body has become alkaline from the assimilation of a healthy diet, air, sunlight, exercise and movement throughout the day. If you average below 7, contact me for consultation and/or coaching at

You see, it's quite easy to learn how to test your body's pH

Choco-Avo Parfait

This delicious and nutritious dessert incorporates avocado as the main ingredient. Perfect for a pie or parfait, this treat is sure to please the taste buds without busting the belly!

Watch and learn how to make this awesome dessert.

For more delicious and nutritious ideas, contact Sean at or (804)-909-5550.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The "Healthy Weigh" to lose weight

Thanks to all of my followers who kept up with my 90 day challenge to lose 30 pounds over the last few months. I lost 26 pounds in 90 days and the last pesky 4 pounds took an additional 20 days to lose, but it's done - 31.2 pounds in 110 days. It feels good to hit the goal and put it behind me - never to be done again! That was my healthy version of Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me" and once is enough for me.

It was really important to me that I do this entire process and make it public for several reasons:

  1. I wanted to prove that even a vegetarian who exercises semi-regularly can, in fact, gain a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time.
  2. I wanted to demonstrate that a substantial amount of weight can be lost in a short period of time - naturally through healthy, tolerable (even enjoyable), effective methodologies - without access to a gym or workout equipment.
  3. I wanted to demonstrate the effectiveness of accountability by making my goal and intentions public.
  4. I wanted to prove the power of persistance and determination in spite of obstacles.
  5. Lastly, I wanted to dispel the myths: "that I can eat whatever I want and not gain a pound" and "that Sean Donovan is too extreme and intense in his methodologies" or that "I have resources that others don't have or can't afford."

I am human - just like you. I have temptations and fall off the wagon at times - just not as often or as long as some people. When I do occassionally break down, I know how to immediately and effectively undo the damage and "detox my sins." I'm honest and not afraid to admit when I get derailed or seek help when I need it. I hold myself accountable and elicit the help of others who I respect to help me in my journies. I lead by example and teach others to do the same.

I want to share some secrets with you in hopes that my information will be empowering to you in your pursuit of your goals for better health, weight loss, improved energy, decreased stress, increased mental clarity and overall success. I want to offer my help, advice and coaching to you so that I can positively impact your life and help you become the best person you were destined to be.

Follow me and check back regularly as I launch my "Healthy Weigh" blog series...

Friday, April 20, 2012

What the Health?! 30 pounds!

Hey, it's Sean Donovan and it's Friday, April 20th - day 110 on my 90 day challenge to lose 30 pounds.

Since you're seeing this video today, it must mean that I reached my goal - did I? Why did it take me so long? Where have I been for the last few weeks? How did I do it? What one thing did I do that most people don't do? How will my success benefit you? Watch and see.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What the Health - 10 day countdown weigh-in

It's Thursday, March 22nd. I've got 10 days to go before I hit my deadline to lose 30 pounds in 90 days by March 31st. Last week I weighed in at 193.6. What will I weigh today? Will I make my goal? If so, how will I do it?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What the Health?! Week 10 Weigh-in

It's hard to believe that it's already March 15th. January 1st seems like yesterday when I weighed in at 214.4 pounds and started my goal of losing 30 pounds in 90 days by March 31st. I've worked hard (and cheated too at times) on my quest to accomplish my goal. I've got 15 days left to hit 184 pounds. Will I make it? Find out...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What the Health?! Week 9 Weigh-in

It's Thursday, March 8th - day 67 of my 90 day challenge to lose 30 pounds. Did I break the 3 week trend of gaining back the weight I lost the first month? Or did I finally start losing again? Watch and find out.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What the Health have I Done?! 60 Day Check-in

It's Thursday, March 1st - day 60 of my 90 day challenge to lose 30 pounds. I lost 22 pounds in 5 weeks, but gained back 2 pounds at last weigh-in. Find out how I'm progressing... Will I make my goal of 184 pounds by March 31st?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What the Health?! Mid-weigh check-in.

It's Tues, Feb 14th - Happy Valentines Day. I'm 45 days into my 90 day personal challenge to lose 30 lbs in 90 days. Last week I celebrated losing 22 total lbs. Today I have a confession to make. Find out why I'm pissed at myself...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Need some PEP - or just a laugh?

GRO healthy, happy and successful by redefining your corporate culture and workplace wellness with the exciting Peak Employee Performance (PEP) program.

For more information, visit: and

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What the Health Have I Done - Week 5

It's Wednesday, Feb 8th - 39 days into my goal of losing 30 pounds in 90 days.I initially weighed-in at 214.4 pounds on Jan 1st. I'm feeling better and younger each and every day! I'm wearing clothes that I couldn't fit into just a month ago - it's like a scored a whole new wardrobe!

Find out why I'm celebrating today...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Don't Sacrifice, Substitute!

My girlfriend and I have been enjoying the remarkable benefits of a 100% raw food diet over the last 5 weeks in our pursuit of weight loss and health goals. We easily and gladly accomplished our first goal of going 30 days on 100% raw fruits and veggies. We were very pleased with the results and decided to continue on that trend, but we have really been craving pizza lately.

One slice of cheesy, gooey, greasy pizza on a gluten-rich crust would easily undo all of the painstaking detoxification that we have accomplished in the last 5 weeks. Bummer, right? Wrong!

Luckily, our vegan friend told us about a local pizza shop called “Red Brick Pizza” in Port Orange at the Pavilion. Red Brick offers up several alternatives for health conscious people. At your request, they will gladly substitute a dairy-free (Daiya) cheese. They have a gluten-free crust option as well. I was also impressed that they use heart-healthy olive oil in all of their other crusts too. Red Brick Pizza is proving that truly healthy options can (and should) be included on all restaurant menus. If a pizza parlor can do it – why not all other dining establishments too?!

Our mouths watered as we waited for our “Veggie Gourmet Works” pizza to come out of the wood-fired oven. The thought of the mushrooms, red onions, red bell peppers, black olives, artichokes, garlic, tomatoes, and herbs in something other than a salad tempted our taste buds beyond belief! The gluten-free pizza option only comes in a smaller crust size, but the small pizza turned out to be BIG on flavor! In fact, we enjoyed it so much – we ordered another (two)!

Having not had the pleasure of dining out for over a month, we ate slow, people watched and took in the whole dining experience, savoring each delicious bite in a whole new mindset.

We left Red Brick very satisfied with our dining experience, but we realized that, although priced fairly, this pizza substantially lacked a couple of things – the bloated, belly-bomb sensation usually associated with pizza consumption – as well as the GUILT! We felt energized and light the rest of the night – and pretty good about the fact that we were able to “splurge” by substitution and not derail ourselves from our goals.

Thanks Lou – and RBP crew for a delicious (and healthy) dining experience! By the way, your crew definitely delivered service with a smile too. We'll be seeing you again soon.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What the Health Have I Done?! One month check-in

It's been an interesting month on my quest to lose 30 pounds in 90 days. I've been diligent in exercising daily and eating only raw fruits and veggies the entire month. I've also completed a water fast, colon cleanse, liver/gall bladder flush, and kidney cleanse. I feel like a million bucks!
Lets see how much I weigh...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reasons or Results

One powerful three word phrase speaks volumes about humanity - reasons or results.

We either get the results we want in life, or we have a list of reasons why we don’t. The word reasons could easily be replaced by the word excuses also.
Frustration is often the underlying cause for the reasons or excuses that keep us from the results we desire. If you are following my “What the Health Have I Done?!” weight loss challenge journal, you know that my weight was back up two pounds last week from the previous week – that was in spite of eating a strict raw food diet and diligent walking and exercise. I could have easily gotten frustrated and fallen off of the wagon last week like many people might do. Instead, I ignored any frustration that may have entered into my mind and I persisted with more effort and diligence. The result – over 5 pounds of weight lost at weigh-in this week.
The reasons really don’t matter much when you achieve the results you desire – do they? But when you quit or don’t achieve your goals, those reasons become your story, your defense mechanism and your comfort zone.
A life coach can help you unlearn the preconditioning and programming that you experience subconsciously on a daily basis. Once this interference is gone, you’ll find it exponentially easier to attain positive results.
Do you want your life story to be filled with reasons – or results?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What the Health Have I Done?! Week 3 Check-in

Hey, I'm Sean Donovan and I set a goal - lose 30 pounds in 90 days.
Today is Tuesday, January 24th and this is my 3 week check-in. I've eaten nothing but raw food so far this month as well as completing a water fast, juice fast, colon and intestinal cleanse, liver/gallbladder detox and flush and I'm in the midst of a kidney cleanse too. A lot of dedication and persistance has gone into the process. The payoff is...

I feel great! My skin is oh-so-soft, my mental clarity is sharp, my energy level is through the roof and I can see visible changes in my waistline.

Watch the video to find out how my weight loss is progressing...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What the Health Have I Done?! Week 2 Check-In

Two weeks into my goal to lose 30 pounds in 90 days - I've already completed a 4 1/2 day water fast, a two day colon/intestinal cleanse, a two day liver/gallbladder detox and have eaten only raw food and fresh juice since I broke fast. I've been walking between 2.5 and 4 miles EVERY DAY as well as at-home exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, planks and other cardio and isometric exercises. I feel great and can already notice changes in my measurements and physique. I lost 12.6 pounds my first week - find out how much weight I lost the second week...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What the Health Have I Been Eating?!

After coming off of a 5 day water fast last week and losing almost 13 pounds as a result, I wanted to keep the trend going by eating only nutrient dense, living raw foods for the entire month of January. So here are just a few examples of the delicious foods that I've been grubbing on for the last week. Words can hardly describe the sensational benefits and feeling that you experience on a raw food diet, so maybe these pictures will illustrate just how delicious healthy eating can be. Did I mention that eating this way is also very cost effective as well?

Lots of fresh juices - especially "Appleade"

Lots of my favorite fruit - Avocados!

Homemade Hummus - spiced to our liking

Cucumbers for dipping instead of chips

Kale Khips instead of Potato Chips

Kale Salad - absolutely awesome!

"Almost raw" Quinoa Kissir

Closeup of the Quinoa Kisir

Lots of salads - and fresh peppers!

15 ingredient salad

Sprouting Garbanzo Beans for Hummus

Baby Clover Sprouts germinating

Green Peas Sprouting

Green Pea Sprouts - ready to eat!

Sweeper Salad Components

Sweeper Salad - Just add Bragg's Aminos or Fresh OJ, mix and eat

Veggie Plate with Olive Oil drizzle

Lots of Citrus Fruits

Lots of fresh fruits like this Mango

Monday, January 9, 2012

What the Health Have I Done?! Week 1 Recap

I completed a 117 hour (4 ½ day) water fast to push the reset button on my metabolism and trigger the detox process. It was challenging, but was worth it.

Some of my hardships during the fast included:
-           A horrible metallic taste in my mouth that I couldn’t get rid of
-          No sustained energy during physical exertion (I moved some furniture for a friend)
-          Growling stomach for the first 36 hours
-          Body ‘funk’ and odor
-          Mild euphoria (also on my benefit list)
-          Resisting the temptation to go out with friends on the weekend
Some of my benefits during and as a result of the fast included:
-          Increased alertness, clarity, focus and creativity
-          Less lethargic – energy throughout the day (except during heavy physical exertion)
-          Waking up earlier in the morning
-          Saving lots of $ on food
-          Mild euphoria
-          Losing a total of 12.6 pounds in less than 5 days!
I broke my fast on Saturday and began an intestinal detox regimen that included my special “sweeper salad,” some herbal detox powder, and some enzymes and probiotics. I also incorporated some raw foods such as avocado, cucumber, kale, peppers, onion, citrus fruits, asparagus, and home-made hummus into my diet in very small quantities at a time. I also included fresh fruit and veggie juices from oranges, grapefruits, melons, cucumbers, carrots, celery, beets and apples to name a few.
Eating again after almost 5 days with no food was awesome. It’s amazing how much more flavorful and delicious food and juice tastes when you haven’t eaten in a while. Is it my clean palate or the renewed appreciation for food that contributes to this heightened enjoyment? I say it’s both.
During the entire period I have been consistently relentless about incorporating regular physical activity into my daily routine. Although I’m still in good enough shape to run several miles, I decided to pretend I wasn’t and simply start out with a walking routine. I walked for a minimum of one hour per day – that was enough time for me to walk about 2 ½ to 3 miles per day. Heavy physical exertion is not possible or recommended on a zero calorie water fast, so I passed on the gym and did some very basic anywhere, anytime “couch-potato” exercises at home. I also stretched every day for a minimum of two 20 minute sessions.
Aside from accomplishing over 33% of my 3 month weight loss goal in just a week, I feel great and I know that I am off on the right foot to reaching my goal in a healthy and empowered manner.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What the Health Have I Done?! Break-fast

Have you ever thought about how the word 'breakfast' came into existence and why the first meal of the day assumed that name?

Well, quite simply when you eat your first meal in the morning you are "breaking the fast" (or absence of eating) that your body has endured while you slept.

Today's break-fast was extra special to me as I broke a 117 hour water fasting period.

Find out how much weight I lost in 4 1/2 days of eating absolutely no food - only water and a very small amount of watered-down, fresh squeezed organic grapefruit juice. Was it worth enduring four days of hunger?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Four Days of Fasting

No video today – I’ve been talking all day long and I prefer to just type. As I write this, I’ve been exactly 100 hours or 4 days, 4 hours without a morsel of food. The only things that have crossed my lips have been about 20 – 24 liters of Fiji Water and about 72 oz of fresh squeezed organic grapefruit juice – cut with 50% water.
Needless to say, I’m pretty hungry. In fact, a joke I often say to my girlfriend comes to mind -“I’m so hungry I could eat McDonald’s.” Yep, that’s a joke – and my sense of humor gets even more ridiculous the longer I go without food.
Today (Friday January 6th) was incredible. I had three very important meetings that required over 4 ½ hours of non-stop speaking and high-level thought on my part. My business day didn’t end until almost 7pm – exceptionally late for a Friday. I will modestly admit that I performed “better than what I would consider my best.” Maybe I’m delusional as a result of virtually zero caloric intake for four days – or maybe it is the zero calorie intake that lit up my brain activity, concentrated my focus and amplified my motivation.
I call it survival mode. I believe that our ancestors possessed it and were closely connected to it. It’s nature’s self-preservation mode. If the human race didn’t possess the ability to go long periods of time without food, none of us would be here today. Think about it – how was life just a couple hundred years ago before there was transportation to ship food to stores at which we could conveniently buy it? Go back farther a couple of thousand years ago – long before modern farming practices and storage and preservation methods were discovered. What would a late frost or a drought or a flood do to the food supply? How about an ice age – or parasites – or wild animals? There are numerous ways that food supplies could have been devastated over large areas and long periods of time.
 It must be a God-given gift since the Bible references fasting for as long as “forty days and forty nights” in multiple instances. I see water fasting as a kind of “Baptism”- it washes away internal sins as it detoxifies your body.
I’ve done many water fasts – some as short as a day, others as long as a week. I’ve even done juice fasts for over 2 weeks. In retrospect, I can honestly say that I’ve done some of my most creative writing and thinking during periods of fasting. I also get unusual waves of clarity and energy during the fast – quite an anomaly considering the assumed lack of energy due to calorie deprivation. As I tap into new areas of gray matter, my intuition tells me that this anomaly is no coincidence.
Here’s my logic. If I had lived 10,000 years ago, life would have obviously been much different. Long before a short walk to the fridge or a phone call for pizza delivery existed, I would have had to have gotten off my butt and found food. This probably would have entailed a hunt or some foraging – maybe even some tree climbing. If food was scarce and competition was fierce, this would have been challenging. If I didn’t eat for a day or so and got more tired, lethargic and lazy, I would have quickly perished. I picture myself sitting under an orange tree with the fruit just out of reach and myself too weak and too tired to even shake the fruit loose, let alone climb the tree. There I would have died – and then become a meal for the vultures and the coyotes. Thank God it’s 2012!
My point is that the hungrier we get, the sharper our senses become – to help us survive and locate food. We have to be more alert, smarter, faster and stronger than our prey. I’m also referring to fruit too. Have you ever tried to climb a palm tree or crack open a coconut – I have – and believe me, it’s not an easy task!
In our modern society, things are much different. If we want to eat, all we have to do (in almost all cases) is pay for it. Paying for it is not always easy – especially in a tough economy. Therefore, our money-earning senses must become sharper. Have you ever heard the term “hungry for work”? There were actually two companies in my hometown that capitalized on this concept – “Starving Students Moving Co.” and “The Hungry Roofer.” They were both successful. I think the message implies that when someone is truly hungry, they are desperate, yet driven and determined enough to do exceptional work for the reward of – eating and surviving!
My fast is self imposed. It’s yet another test of my willpower. It’s a challenge – and I’m a sucker for a good challenge. It’s the ‘fastest’ route to accomplishing my goal of losing 30 pounds in 90 days. When I started fasting on Monday, January 2nd, my goal was to make it until dinnertime on Friday before “breaking fast”. I chose not to eat tonight and opted to ‘breakfast’ in the morning. I look forward to two days of “sweeper salad” – by then my eight avocados will be ripe enough to eat. I will be in pure bliss when I take my first bite of one. Can’t wait!
For those of you considering attempting to water fast, I will warn you that it’s not for the weak. There are right and wrong ways to start and end a fast. If you do it wrong, the result could be the equivalent of shaking up a hornets’ nest inside your body. If you have medical conditions or are on medication, always consult your doctor. If you’re up for the personal challenge and journey – consult me.
Have a healthy, happy, hungry day.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Great Grapefruit Juice-Off

Two of my friends, Josh Curtis and Tyler LeCompte, are both fortunate enough to have grapefruit trees in their yard – and they were both generous enough to give me some of their crop. Both guys are very proud of their fruit – the question is who’s is better? As a fruit and juice connoisseur, I’m happy to put them both to the test.
My palate is perfectly clean as I’ve been fasting and have consumed only water and grapefruit juice for the last 72 hours. So I’m perfectly primed for a taste-test.

I chose 2 equal sized grapefruits from each crop.
Curtis (left)     LeCompte (right)

First, I wanted to rate the appearance both exterior and interior. The LeCompte fruit is yellow and softer, the Curtis fruit is pinker and firmer. When I sliced them open, it was clear that the Curtis fruit is a much deeper, ruby red variety while LeCompte’s has a paler pink meat. Winner – Curtis.

LeCompte (left)       Curtis (right)

I measured the juice content and clearly the LeCompte fruit is juicier as it produced 16oz of juice from 2 fruits and the Curtis pair produced only 12oz. Winner – LeCompte.

          LeCompte - 16oz                                 Curtis - 12oz

So which one tastes better? Taste is such a subjective measurement, but here is my analysis. The LeCompte juice is sweeter and smoother while the Curtis juice is tangier and bolder. I happen to like both flavors very much and since they are both extremely healthy and delicious, I have to call a draw on the taste test. Winner – Tie.
LeCompte (left)   Curtis (right)

The true winner of the great grapefruit juice-off is ME since I get to enjoy delicious fruit juice from two great friends. Thanks guys.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My top 12 least favorite things about being 30 pounds heavier are…

12. "Wedgies" seem more prevalent.  

11. No longer being able to wear some of my favorite clothes (refer back to #12).

10. Losing flexibility in my hips, glutes, hamstrings and back and experiencing regular back aches as a result.

9. Being able to “pinch an inch” on my abs, belly and back of my arms.

8. Increased cravings for less healthy foods (especially anything chocolate and peanut butter).

7. Not wanting to go to the beach or take my shirt off in public.

6. Increased, unpleasant body odors – from gas to breath to perspiration.

5. Consciously sucking in my gut when I’m giving a lecture or talking to someone.

4. Decreased energy and stamina – from waking up on time to performing physical activity.

3. Increased illness frequency – from allergies to cold, flu and stomach aches – I rarely got sick longer than 24 hours at a time – until I started gaining weight.

2. My number two fear is ultimately developing “moobs” – or ‘man boobs’.

1. My number one fear is ultimately having a “dickiedoo” – which is a belly that hangs out farther than my… ______well, you fill in the blank!

These 12 things will act as additional motivation to help me accomplish my "What the Health Have I Done?!" goal of losing 30 pounds in 90 days.

Keep in touch to find out just how health-enhancing weight loss can be!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What the Health Have I Done? 2


Ok, so I’ve already taken the first most important step in the transformation process. I’ve set an intention and a goal – lose 30 pounds in 90 days by March 31st.

I have also done the very important second step too – I’ve vocalized my intention and goal on video and then released it to the world. I’m now accountable to anyone who may question my progress or see me after March 31st.

I pride myself on always doing what I say I’m going to do – I follow through and I HATE to fail!

Had I kept my intention and goal secret, it may have been easy for me to cheat on myself or postpone my progress to my goal. Now I have forced myself into accountability.

Maybe you aren’t comfortable sharing your physique or goals with the world – that’s ok. Find an accountability partner that you would trust with your life (because this is YOUR  LIFE we’re talking about here – right?). Tell your partner your intention, goal and plan of action. This accountability partner should be someone who cares about you, knows how to motivate you, and keep you on track. This person should be someone you would never want to disappoint.

If you don’t have anyone in your life who is up for the task, I recommend hiring a personal trainer or professional life coach. The financial investment in professional help will be added incentive and accountability.

Oh yeah, one more important point that I already covered in my previous video – I set a visualization for my goal. Remember those pictures of me in great shape – those will be my visual reminders, motivation, inspiration and resistance to temptation as I strive to look my best again.

If you feel you’ve never ‘looked your best’ or you desire ‘better than your best’ – then go online and find a photo of your favorite athlete or celebrity – save it to your computer desktop background or cell phone wallpaper. That should do the trick for now!