Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Everything is Energy

Everything is Energy

Everything is energy.  We are energy.  Life is energy.  And when we run out of energy we’re dead!

Energy requires fuel.  Our fuel is known as food or nutrition. Without proper nutrition we are not able to function properly.

Are you a race fans?  Or do you just drive a car? Race cars run on high octane fuel.  The higher the octane, the better the performance of almost any car.

If you want to perform your best, then you need to eat your best.

Nutrition should be on the top of your budget and the last thing to get cut. 

In this blog, we’ll be covering all the nutritional components, essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients and we’ll be emphasizing cost effective, easy, nutrition and recipes that you can realistically add to your lifestyle and daily routine.  How does that sound – Delicious or Nutritious?

And there will be no profanity on this blog! There will be no dirty four letter words in here.  I am referring to that nasty 4-letter word that starts with DIE…T.  Diet (notice how it starts with the word die?!)

Your goal should be truly about changing your habits and regimens and implementing lasting and permanent changes in your life.

Here’s a tangible takeaway to get you started on the right track.

You wouldn’t pour sand, salt, sugar or other crap into the gas tank of your car would you? And if you did, you wouldn’t expect the car to run well or last very long would you? Of course not!

So stop putting junk into the gas tank of your body and wondering why you’re having health problems or not performing at 100%.

Change your mindset about eating. Eat to live, don’t live to eat.

Everything that goes into your mouth should be high-octane fuel to power the trillions of cells that make up your body and all of its organs.

What kind of fuel do cells like? Here’s a list:

1.      Oxygen (breathe deep and fully – sit up straight or stand tall)

2.      Water (cut the soda, coffee and colored crap out of your diet and consume only water)

3.      Raw fruits and veggies (fresh, local, organic and uncooked are great – the greener the better too)

4.      Nutrient dense, highly bio-available (usable by the body) supplements like Juice Plus, Chews4Health or Nutopia.

5.      Solar powered vitamin D (get out in the sun for 20 minutes a day in the morning or late afternoon – your skin will naturally produce vitamin D when exposed to sun in moderation).

For many more great healthy recommendations, read “Health and Happiness: an owner’s manual for the mind and body”.

And most importantly, don’t forget – EVERYTHING IS ENERGY!

Does Deodorant Cause Cancer?

Does Deodorant Cause Cancer?

For years there has been a notion often heard through the grapevine that deodorant causes cancer, but is it true? Let’s explore the idea logically from a common sense point of view.

First, we were not born wearing deodorant, nor was it created naturally in nature like an apple; therefore, it is not natural. Anything not purely natural could be a suspect in the cause of cancer and other diseases.

Second, the lymphatic system is the body’s septic system and is responsible for removing toxicity and waste from the body. The lymph system is about 94% water and also holds the greatest concentration of white blood cells (the soldiers that defend our body). One of the greatest concentrations of lymph nodes in the body is in the armpit. Approximately 8% of our bodies’ overall detoxification occurs through sweat. 8% doesn’t sound like a lot, but how would you feel about cutting off 8% of your arms or legs – or losing 8% of your brain? Anyway, we block the release of toxic sweat by coating our armpits with deodorant and anti-perspirant. By the way – anyone who would disagree on the argument that we don’t detox very much through sweat – has obviously never done a hot yoga class!

Next, deodorant contains many un-natural chemicals and man-made ingredients. Aluminum is one such ingredient. Aluminum, when absorbed into the body, could potentially be linked to autism, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. Some may argue that these substances aren’t absorbed into the body – others may contest that the small doses of these substances are approved by the FDA (funeral directors’ association) and are okay for our use. Right – so explain to me how the FDA approved birth control “patch” works – as well as nicotine strips applied to the skin and absorbed into the body. As for the small dosage – think about this – most people who wear deodorant do so out of habit – EVERY day of their life – which adds up to a whole lot of quantity.

Think about this – the next closest soft tissue to the armpits is the breasts. Not only are the breasts susceptible, but the lymph system eventually connects to every cell in the body through fluid transfer. What if one day it was discovered that deodorant plus a few other common-place modern practices and products were actually the leading and only causes of cancer?! Don’t expect deodorant/anti-perspirant to be pulled from the shelves any time soon – it’s a billion dollar industry.

What do you THINK? Use your common sense – and your shopping dollars wisely. What we buy determines what companies produce and stores sell. My message to doctors, pharmacies, scientists, awareness and fundraiser groups “For the Cure” – stop looking for a cure and focus on the causes. Often times they are right under our noses (or armpits).

If you want to support your health and a great company who truly cares about you and your health – shop the Wholefood Farmacy online – and invest in some all natural Hi-Roller deodorant. I’ve been protecting my health by using it for over 7 years. I suggest you do too.

So does deodorant REALLY cause cancer? I don’t know, but I do know this – it certainly doesn’t help or contribute to health.

For more healthy info and preventative measures, read "Health and Happiness: an owner's manual for the mind and body."