Sunday, July 10, 2011

What the Health?! Why is America so friggin FAT?!

Q: Why is America so friggin FAT?
A: That’s a BIG observation, and statistically 64% of Americans are overweight. Here’s why:
  • We have become a “fast food” nation of people who crave convenience. Our technologies and systems cater to laziness. From the drive-thru meal to the TV, remote controls, conveyor belt assisted movement in airports, microwaves, computers, cars… the list goes on. We hardly have to think or even move on our own anymore.  

  • The food production industry cares more about the $ than your health. Bigger, faster, cheaper is how they turn profits - and their profitable products turn people into unhealthy, nutrient deprived, energy drained, diseased, semblances of what “life” and vitality should be. Processed, preserved, fast, cheap, enriched, fortified, “low fat”, no carbs, boxed, canned, frozen crap = our health crisis. Nature and natural = life and health.
  • Trust – we trust the FDA and government regulatory agencies to protect us. Wearing a seat belt protects your safety while driving, but it doesn’t give you license to drive drunk or fall asleep behind the wheel. We need to wake up and take personal responsibility for our health. You can control what goes into your mouth and body. Don’t ever rely on a label or government approval. Do you believe lobbyists have power over politicians? If so, refer back to the previous bullet point.
  • Hormones, steroids, antibiotics, fertilizers, and other un-natural ingredients that go into our fruits, veggies and animals to make them grow bigger and faster – guess what? – They have the same affect on the people who eat those products – surprising? Common sense calls for organic everything! 
  • No sweat – modern living in the USA revolves around comfort. Air condition in our homes, cars, offices and public places provide perfect ambient temperature – and thus, no perspiration. Lack of exercise and movement further eliminates sweat from our lives. Dehydration and the intake of “water substitutes” such as coffee, soda, energy drinks, and other toxic “sugar water” beverages insure that no toxins escape our bodies through the pores of our skin. Inflammation results, blockages occur and the fat and toxins build up.
  • Brainwashing. This one really pisses me off. TV and media have done a great job changing our perception about what is “healthy” through creative advertising. Pharmaceuticals, “lite” beers, diet sodas and many more commercials do a great job of depicting bikini-clad models, athletes and other people who are “healthy” and happy in appearance. Really? Why don’t they depict the sick, fat, diseased and side-effect ridden 64% of Americans who are REALLY consuming their products? Get a clue people – if it’s on TV or in an ad, the company is out to make $ first and foremost. How often do you see a commercial or ad that simply promotes tomatoes, apples, water from a mountain stream, fresh air or sunshine? Business is business, I know. But YOUR health is YOUR primary business! Ignore the ads and pay attention to how you spend your $. We have a voice in the marketplace. Maybe one day the ads will change based on consumer demand (or the death of all of their customers).

  • Perception. “It can’t happen to me. I won’t get fat, or have a heart attack, or a cancer diagnosis. And if I do, there will be a drug, magic bullet, or surgery to fix me.” I implore you to Google our nation’s pathetic health stats. If the food industry, medical professions, diets, etc… were working, wouldn’t our health stats be improving, not declining? If stats are not enough to convince you, go park your car outside of a WalMart, McDonalds, 7-11, or other place where at least 64% of America shops – sit there for an hour or so and observe what’s going on in our country – then resolve to do something about it – first and foremost – PERSONALLY.
Health Reform in the USA starts with US – We the People - and the choices and decisions we make on a daily basis. Choose to GRO in the right direction!

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