Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Interesting Facts About the Human Body

1. There are over 3,000 different types of enzymes in the human body.
2. These 3,000 enzymes must be present in each one of our 100 trillion cells to function normally.
3. We have 1,000 trillion bacteria in our bodies.
4. The use of supplemental plant enzymes was discovered in the early 1930’s.
5. The pancreas should only be responsible for about 50% of digestion (enzyme secretion) whereas the rest of the enzymes should come from raw foods.
6. Co-enzymes, necessary partners in enzyme reactions, are mostly B - Vitamins. B-vitamins work together with enzymes to release energy from the foods we eat. This is why “energy” drinks and “energy” bars contain B vitamins.
7. The reason why chronic fevers over 104 degrees can be fatal is because the intense heat permanently destroys the body’s enzymes so they are no longer able to perform necessary functions.
8. We have more immune cells in our digestive systems than we do in the rest of our body.
9. Many enzymes become inactive in an acidic pH, thus the reason that many diseases are created and prolonged in acidic pH’s (see earlier blog post on how to check your body's pH).
10. An adult’s small and large intestines combined are about 30 feet long - which is typical of what you would expect a vegetarian animal's intestinal length to be.

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