Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3 Things You CAN Do to Dramatically Improve Your Health

1.     Think Good Thoughts
-          Thinking positive is so simple – it can be done every day – anytime, anywhere – and we can learn to control how we think.
-          Thoughts control our lives – how we spend our time, our dreams, our relationships, where we live, where we work – just about everything in our life is controlled by thought on some level.
-          Thoughts also control our physiology – examples:
o   Thinking about delicious food makes our mouths water
o   A scary thought makes our pulse race and gives our skin goose bumps
o   A sexy thought physically arouses us
o   A happy thought makes us smile – and the simple act of smiling releases hormones and endorphins in the body which can cure depression.
-          Negative thoughts cause chemical stress on the body and release the toxic stress hormone cortisol which acidifies the body, causes accelerated aging, decreases our memory, energy and vitality.
-          Stress also puts physical strain on our bodies by tensing up muscles which pull joints and vertebra out of alignment causing pain and thus, more stress.
-          Stress also causes us to carry ourselves differently – our posture suffers as we hunch over from stress – this creates more stress on the back and joints - and more pain.
-          Poor posture keeps us from fully oxygenating our lungs – cancer thrives where oxygen is deprived
-          Lack of oxygen also causes a lack of energy and vitality (our bodies burn oxygen as its fuel)
-          The detriment to our bodies caused by stressful or negative thinking is usually far more detrimental than whatever ‘thing’ you are actually thinking about and stressing about.
-          Positive thoughts lead to positive results and great health – our bodies are “smart” and have an enteric communication system – so the body’s cells take on the disposition of what we are thinking
-          Attitude is a result of thought and perception - Learn to control your attitude – it’s the only thing in the world that you have 100% total control over. Attitude is based on your perception of things – your perception is based on the ‘angle’ at which you look at that thing – change your ‘angle’ and your perception will change - and then your attitude will follow.
-          “Every day spent upset is a day you may regret. You only get one life to live – better make it positive. So turn your frown upside down and smile for a while.”

2.     Hydration
-          Our bodies are supposed to be composed of 70% water and coincidentally, the earth’s surface is 70% water.
-          Water is the most important element in life – in fact, the presence of water is the criteria for NASA’s search for extraterrestrial life
-          Our bodies need water to function properly
-          Mineral rich water conducts electricity – the brain communicates to the rest of the body by sending electric signals through the nerves. 
-    The body also needs water to detoxify – 3 main ways the body detoxifies (all of which require water):
o   breath (70%)
o   urine (20%)
o   sweat (8%)
-          “Drink, breathe, sweat and pee – this will make you toxin free!”
-          Daily water intake quota – half of your body weight in ounces (minimum) to 1 liter per 50lbs of body weight (ideal) - a 150 pound person should drink a minimum of 75 ounces to 3 liters of water daily.
-          The best way to hydrate is by eating raw, organic fruits and veggies – particularly melons and citrus fruits
o   Fruits and veggies also supply the body with mineral nutrients
o   Almost all fruits and veggies alkalize the body as well
o   Eating fruits and veggies is also a great way to “go green” - since fruits and veggies come in their own ‘wrappers’ and totally biodegrade – the seeds even give more life to new plants
-          Ditch the coffee and sodas – they acidify and dehydrate the body – it takes 16 parts pH neutral water to neutralize one part coffee
-     Cancer thrives in acidic environments (as does arthritis).
-          Keep a bottle of good, quality, pure, mineral rich, alkaline water with you at all times – don’t let yourself get thirsty or let your mouth get dry.
-     Never drink the crap from the tap!
-          Often times our bodies confuse hunger with thirst – hydrate and suppress your appetite
-          Drink your way to weight loss and health!

3.     Movement and Exercise
-          We were not meant to be sedentary creatures – before grocery stores and modern convenience, people had to work to hunt and gather food – the lazy ones were the skinny ones – now it’s the opposite scenario!
-          Being overweight creates a plethora of health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, joint problems, diabetes – just to name a few
-          The biggest problem with obesity and lack of movement is stagnation in the lymphatic system – which is our bodies septic system
-          Lymphatic system is a series of tubes and glands or nodes throughout the body
o   There is no pump like the heart to force flow in the lymph system
o   The lymphatic system relies on gravity, hydration and MOVEMENT to flow and move waste
-          Movement and exercise also increase breathing, pulse rate and induces sweat – all of which facilitate detoxification
-          The more we move and exercise, the more our bodies energize through the release of hormones. It’s quite an anomaly – the more calories we burn, the more energized we become!
If you enjoyed these tips, you can find dozens more in my Health and Happiness book, Words of Wisdom "WOW" Speaking Series and personal LIfe Coaching.

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