Monday, October 11, 2010

The Cycle of Life

The cycle of life is a masterpiece of natural design that perpetuates life and our existence on the planet. We are basically born from “seeds” or egg and sperm as we more commonly call them. These two tiny living organisms carry all of the genetic information and spark of energy that starts human life.

A tree can be one of the most massive living things on earth, but it also starts from one little seed. Add nutrients and minerals from water and soil plus air and sunlight and that tiny seed grows into a huge tree. The tree has an inherent instinct or essence that makes it grow toward the life-giving sunlight. The roots know to absorb water and nutrients, the bark knows to be bark and the leaves know to be green to photosynthesize light, but then change colors and fall off in the fall as the tree knows to hibernate for the winter. At some point that tree will die, the elements will decompose it back into soil and its nutrients will give life to the next seed that is planted in that soil. This is all part of the cycle of life.

An apple tree starts from an apple seed. The sun, air, water and soil grow the tree which grows the apple. An apple comes in a convenient natural package complete with its own biodegradable protective “wrapper” or skin. When ingested, the apple gives its life-giving energy, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and water to the animal that eats it. The animal then discards or discharges the seeds (often with natural fertilizer) back into the soil to start the cycle of life again with a new tree that will grow more life-giving apples.

Think about this – when you pluck an apple from the tree, it doesn’t kill the tree – the tree lives on to grow more apples. When you eat an apple, you are eating living food – which promotes life. read more...

When you eat meat, you kill a cow, a chicken, a fish, etc – when an animal dies, its life ceases – as does its life cycle of reproduction, milk and egg production. Although we are not cannibals and don’t kill each other for food, humans are subject to the same cycle of life - as death is inevitable for all animals. Eating meat just speeds up the process.

When you consume meat, you are eating dead food - which promotes death. read more...

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust goes the saying. We start out from seeds, collect nutrients from food and water, oxygen from the air, and energy from the sun. The assimilation of these ingredients allows us to grow physically. We also possess the ability to grow in ways other than just physically. We absorb information through our senses and translate it into knowledge, intelligence and wisdom that is able to be stored in our brains. We grow emotionally and store love and feelings in our heart. Our soul absorbs the energy of the universe and all of our life experiences - thus making us who we are.

One day we will all die and no matter how well we preserve or entomb our physical bodies, they will eventually turn back into soil and dust and then be nutrients for the next seed.

But what about the essence and the energy of the mind, body, heart and soul? Where does it go - heaven, hell, the universe, earth or to others? Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity and the law of conservation of energy are empirical laws of physics which state that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time and can never be created nor destroyed. Therefore, the energy of our soul must be released back into the environment. Just like a cool breeze cuts through the heat of a summer day or a stream flows around rocks in a river, this energy or “e” is all around us. The energy and essence of life carries on everywhere every day - connecting everything to everything.

So is it possible to have life after death? Absolutely – if nothing else, one can live on through memories and the impact and influence they had on the lives of others. This is also a transfer of energy - from one person to another, to another, to another… how big will your impact be? And how much energy will you share with others and the universe?

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